EXERCISES: For Runners + Sample Program [Beginner to Intermediate]

Running is one of the most popular and accessible exercise activities in the world. Running-related injuries affect many runners, which is why strength training can be extremely beneficial in decreasing risk of injury. Whilst engaging in strength training, your muscles and their connective tissues (tendons and ligaments) increase their tolerance to loading. There is also an increase is neural recruitment patterns, calling up the most fatigue-resistant muscle fibres to help you exert less energy whilst improving power output, stride efficiency and running economy. The inclusion of lumbopelvic (trunk & hip) control will also assist in maintaining a stable upper body, reducing side to side movements. 

The main muscles involved with running include:

  • Triceps Surae (Calf)

  • Tibialis Anterior (Shin)

  • Hamstrings

  • Quadriceps

  • Glute Medius & Maximus

  • Adductors (Inner Thigh)

If you are a runner and are looking to boost your performance with some strength training, here are some simple exercises you can complete at home with little to no equipment. 

Single Leg Squat

Reps & Sets: 10 reps on each side, 2-3 sets


Target Area: Quads & Glutes

  • Stand on one leg with your foot pointing straight forward and your other knee slightly bent

  • Lower into a squat position, keeping your supported leg moving straight in line with your second toe

  • Keep your upper body upright, maintaining a solid hip to rib connection to maintain stability

  • Keeping your big toe down, push up through your heel, making sure your hips fully extend at the top of the movement

Progression: Weighted Step Ups 

Hamstring Bridges

Reps & Sets: 10 reps on each side, 2-3 sets


Target Area: Hamstrings

  • Lie on your back with your knees hip width apart and heels up on an elevated surface (e.g. couch, chair, steps) and extend one leg towards the ceiling

  • Thinking about pushing your heel down into the ground, squeeze your glutes and lift your hips up towards the ceiling, keeping your hips square and abdominal muscles activated

  • Lower and the lift the hips as per the prescribed reps and sets

Progression: Weighted Hip Thrust

Copenhagen Hold

Reps & Sets: 30s on each side, 2-3 sets


Target Area: Adductors (Inner Thigh) & Obliques (Abdominals)

  • Place your supporting (top) leg on top of an elevated surface (e.g. couch or chair), tucking in the bottom leg by bending your knee

  • Place your elbow underneath your body in line with your shoulder

  • Lifting your hips up towards the ceiling, keep your hips and shoulders square with each other; your bottom leg should not be touching the ground

Regression: Start with your supporting (top) leg in a bent position or knee closer to the supporting surface to reduce loading, slowly work towards having your lower shin as the anchor point.


Reps & Sets: >45 seconds, 2-3 sets


Target Area: Abdominals, Back Muscles, Biceps & Triceps

  • Start face down with your forearms, knees and toes on the floor. Your elbows should be directly under your shoulders and your forearms facing forward, keeping your head relaxed and your eyes straight down towards the floor

  • Lifting off your knees, engage your abdominal muscles by drawing your belly button towards your spine. Your body should make a nice long line; ensure your hips are not sagging towards the ground or elevated too high

  • Keep your shoulders rolled back and down away from your ears, your heels over the balls of your feet and remember to breathe

Progression: Plank with alternating front taps 

HF March

Reps & Sets: 10 reps on each side, 2-3 sets


Target Area: Psoas Major & Illiacus (Hip Flexors), Quadriceps, Glutes & Abdominals

  • Standing on a slight angle to a wall with feet shoulder width apart and a band around the balls of your feet. Lift one knee up towards your chest at a time, as far as you comfortably can

  • Ensure you keep your abdominal muscles engaged; do not arch or round your back whilst performing this exercise


Reps & Sets: 5 reps each way on each side, 2-3 sets


Target Area: Primarily Calves, inclusive of full body coordination; includes Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, and Upper Body

  • Start facing forward with your head up and shoulders back; you are going to propel yourself as high as you can off one leg

  • Driving one knee up towards your chest and pumping your arms, quickly complete 5 repetitions (hops) facing forwards, then turn 90°, completing another 5 reps. Turn and repeat until you have completed a set of pogos in all 4 directions.

  • Your toes should be the first to land, shifting your weight towards your heels, and softly bending your knee to absorb the force of your jump. Your non-supporting leg will naturally drop slightly to prepare for the next repetition; drive the knee back up towards the ceiling whilst pumping your arms.

  • Make sure to keep your body in an upright position throughout the duration of this exercise, ensuring your hips are stable and square

Regression: Single Leg Calf Raises


If you are unsure on how to approach starting or returning to run, we recommend you book in with one of our exercise professionals.


RECIPE: Chicken, Pumpkin & Pesto Pasta


RECIPE: Warm Apple Crumble